Utah Bridal Shows | Tips and Tricks for Brides | Le Jardin Weddings

Wedding season is upon us! If you are a bride, chances are you have been to or are planning to attend a few Utah bridal shows. Bridal shows can be a great way to meet a large quantity of wedding vendors in one place. It can also be very overwhelming if you don't have a game plan. Le Jardin weddings is here with some great tips and tricks for brides attending one of many Utah bridal shows this year!Plan your wedding by visiting a Utah bridal show

Utah Bridal Shows | Tips and Tricks for Brides

Check the Website

Most large bridal shows will have a website for the event. About a week before the show, hop online and print out the vendor list. Some shows will even have a map showing where each wedding vendor will be located at the venue. 

Create a Game Plan

Figure out which wedding vendors you still need to book. Check the Utah bridal show's vendor list and put a star on each vendor for those categories you still need. You can even use a different symbol for each vendor type, if you want to get really organized! Then, rank them from most to least important to you. If you have a map of the show, find the vendor at the top of your list and use that as your starting point. Then create a flow chart to make sure you get to all the vendors you want to talk to.Make a plan for Utah bridal shows

Show Time

Some Utah bridal shows (especially the larger ones) will have a door prize for the first x number of guests. If this is important to you, make sure you show up early! The better the prize, the earlier you will want to get in line. Once the doors open, make a beeline for your #1 vendor on your list. Being the first to get to that vendor allows you to speak to them before things get crazy. Also, most wedding vendors at Utah bridal shows run specials and do end up booking brides throughout the day. So, hitting your most important vendors first gives you the best chance of booking them before someone else.Utah wedding photographer


Many wedding vendors at Utah bridal shows run giveaways. This is a great way for vendors to get your contact information so they can follow up later. Here's a pro tip from Le Jardin: Bring pre-printed labels with your name, your fiancé's name, wedding date, email address, and phone number. Then, instead of writing your information out potentially hundreds of times at each booth, you can just stick your label on the form! Bridal Shows in Utah for florists

Don't Forget the Small Shows

While there are several "big" Utah bridal shows each year, watch for some of the smaller shows, usually hosted at Utah wedding venues. These bridal shows allow you to tour the venue while meeting with vendors in a less rushed, more intimate setting. Usually, the vendors at these shows have been hand-selected by the venue because they have a great track record of quality and bride satisfaction.

Le Jardin Bridal Show and Open House

Le Jardin will be hosting a Bridal Show and Open House this Friday, April 18th 2018, from 5-9 p.m. We would love to see you there and show you around our beautiful garden venue. We have over 20 Utah wedding vendors joining us, ready to talk to you about making your wedding day absolutely perfect!Le Jardin Bridal Show


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