Beauty Sleep: Why You Don't Want to Miss It Before Your Wedding

Get enough sleep before your wedding dayWith so many details to take care of before a wedding, it’s easy to miss a few hours of sleep each night. But, if there’s anything you don’t want to skip before your wedding, it’s sleep. Not only do you want to avoid any bride(or groom)zilla references, you want to look your best.

Wedding Makeup can't cover up the effects of sleep deprivation

The Effects of Sleep Deprivation

Anytime you get less than seven hours of sleep, you’re in a state of sleep deprivation. While you might not think that’s a big deal, when you look at the effects of sleep loss, you’ll think differently

Emotional and Behavioral Changes

Sleep deprivation causes neurons in the brain to slow down, affecting reasoning skills, decision-making abilities, and reaction times. Lack of sleep can also wreak havoc on your emotions. When you don’t get enough sleep, the emotional center of your brain becomes more sensitive to negative stimuli, increasing the release of cortisol, a stress hormone. You’re better able to keep stress at a manageable level when you’re getting the rest you need.

If you’re toning up for the big day, sleep can help you stay on track for meeting your fitness goals. Adequate sleep helps the body control and regulate your appetite and metabolism. When you’re sleep deprived, the body releases more hunger hormone and less satiety hormone, leading to overeating and unwanted weight gain.

Beauty Sleep

Beauty sleep is a real thing. A 2010 study found that people who got over seven hours of sleep both reported and were observed to feel and look more healthy, attractive, and energetic. Wedding pictures last a lifetime, and you want to make the most of them.

Wedding pictures look better when you get your beauty sleep

Sleep really does go skin deep by enhancing the quality and functionality of your skin. It provides a protective barrier from infection and environmental stressors. One sleep/skin study found that participants who got over seven hours of sleep had a 30 percent faster recovery rate than those who were sleep deprived. The skin appears younger and healthier the faster it heals.

How to Get More (and Better) Sleep

You know you need it, but how to get better sleep? You take a look at your sleep environment, habits, and behaviors so you can find waysBride and groom relaxing on the wedding day to improve the quality and quantity of your sleep.

The bedroom should be solely devoted to sleep. Everything from the color scheme to the accessories should feel inviting. If you’re sharing a bed with your partner, it should be comfortable for both of you. Create the right atmosphere at night by making the room as dark as possible, block out all sound, and turn the temperature down to 60 to 68 degrees.

Behaviors and habits that will help you rest better include:

  • A Consistent Bedtime (and Wake Up Time): Consistency helps your body regulate the release of sleep hormones. Try to keep your bedtime and wake up time the same for weekdays and weekends.

  • A Bedtime Routine: Bedtime routines work wonders if you have trouble falling asleep. They give you a chance to release tension and stress while helping signal the release of sleep hormones.

  • Avoiding Screens: The bright blue light from electronics can suppress the release of sleep hormones. Try to shut off your screens two to three hours before bed to prevent a delay in the onset of your sleep.

  • Regular Exercise: Exercise does wonders for the mind and body. Plus, it makes you more tired at night, but avoid strenuous exercise four hours before bed as the release of adrenaline and rise in body temperature could interfere with your sleep.


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